Time keeps on slipping

So of course time has slipped away and I have not been keeping up. I am sorry. Since I last wrote Grandpa Steele has traveled back home to the US and we have kept Nonnie Steele here in Germany to help. We are getting close to the new year and all I can think about is how fast this year will pass by. 2022 has not even gotten here yet and I know it will fly. Next thing I know Theroux will be crawling and yelling non audible words at us. The dogs will have no idea what to think about this tiny thing that keeps trying to chew on their toys and eat their food. Kalleen and I will be juggling her going back to work and me traveling for weeks at a time. It will all come faster then I want but that is just what time is. It never stops. It keeps going. There is no pause. There is no slo mo. Its constant and we need to remember that no amount of money in the world every bought a second back of it.

Our new family. Happy holidays.


It’s been two weeks since you looked at me…


Weak by week