Is 10 months a long time?

Well it has been 10 months or so since I posted last. Never a great thing but so much has changed. In that time we visited America for a month, bought a house, moved out of house in Germany, made our way back to the US and are now just waiting on all of our stuff from Germany to make it to our new home in Colorado Springs, Colorado. Theroux has advanced so much and is not fully walking but has for sure taken his first steps. Words are starting and he is fully enjoying life even if Kal and I are not. All 3 of us are in Texas right now as I am working on the yearly Xmas show in Dallas. We have gotten to show Theo off to old friends and family that are getting to meet him for the first time as well as ones we of course have not seen in over 2 years. It’s been great.


You’re never fully dressed without…