You’re never fully dressed without…

Theroux is 10 weeks old today and I am starting to understand “the days are long but the years are short” adage. I have somehow spent 10 weeks feeding, changing, cuddling, talking with, loving on, and watching this tiny human with wonder. I have never been so busy and yet done so tangibly little. Developmentally we have climbed mountains, of course, and the fan favorite milestone came in around 6 weeks with our first smiles that weren’t just about his digestive system. I love his crooked little smile, his tiny baby chuckle that is still more like a cough that got stuck. Cameron’s silly faces get instant smiles, as does Nana cooing at him like only a grandmother can do.

Theroux’s first smile captured on camera

The last month has been full of new discoveries - he notices the dogs now, though still doesn’t quite appreciate them licking his feet; he is swatting at hanging toys in his little Lovevery play gym, but still figuring out how hands and fingers work, and his latest trick this week is rolling from his tummy to his back, much to his surprise every time it happens though. I could never have imagined how the simplest things would be this noteworthy…like I’m sitting here writing a blog about my kid moving his arm to hit something…I simultaneously do not recognize myself AND I have not allowed myself to consistently slow down and live in the present moment in so long that this might be the most grounded I have been in ages. Motherhood is teaching me much about myself while I watch Theo learn about the world with such amazing daily and weekly changes. But the smiles are still my favorite :)

Here’s a gallery of some of my favorite smiles, and a couple indifferent poses that still capture my heart.


Is 10 months a long time?


Here we go again