How did I get here?

The song “Once in a lifetime” by the Talking Heads is one of those weird songs I remember hearing and not understanding at all when I was younger. However in the time of Covid it has been very poignant. It also has been in my head the past week as my wife and I are lacking in sleep and doing what seems to be the same thing over and over again. That being said Theroux is a pretty chill kids so far. We had to get his tongue tie cut this week so there has been some anger and fussiness about that but all in all he is pretty chill. So even though I may wake up in a fog at 4 in the morning wondering “ How did I get here?” I feel that once I am awake I know that I am in the right place.

Theroux carrying on the funny T-shirt tradition.


Where does the time go???


It’s been two weeks since you looked at me…