Where does the time go???

So one thing you always hear from your elders and from those with kids is “Where does the time go?” This always made sense to me on a macro level because of course our memories just cannot hold that kind of info. So the more time that goes by the memories are more compact. Makes total sense. However it can also be viewed on the micro level. Kal and I find ourselves looking at dinner time each day and going “Where did the time go?” it’s amazing how fast schedules, plans, and hopes can get off track very quickly. What used to be small actions and wants now have become tasks that are not always easy to measure in time. SO now I see that this phrase of parenting has many meanings and you have to not only hold onto the moment but hold on to the greater task at hand. Cause you just don’t know where anything will go.


Stop and Start. Rinse and Repeat.


How did I get here?