Christmas Gift

Christmas is different for almost everyone. It’s a holiday that also means different things to everyone. However I think there is one common thread that almost everyone agrees on and that is tradition. Traditions that are passed on from generation to generations. Traditions that are remade and adjusted like a game of telephone or the rules of monopoly. It’s these traditions that help create that connection to the generations before us. My family has one where we try to call each other super early on both Christmas Eve and Christmas Day and we yell “ Christmas Eve Gift” or “ Christmas Gift”. I grew up thinking this was something everyone did but found out that was not true. I then thought of it as a competition that I wanted to win. I remember always trying to get to each person in the family before they got to me. What I realize now is that this is a simple way to make sure we talk to each other each Christmas. As Kalleen and I are over 5000 miles away from our closest family member this is the best way to make sure wer are still connected and check on each other. This Christmas I think about my future when Theroux will start to learn this and many other traditions from both sides of our family.

Christmas pajamas


Weak by week


Sleep, feed, change repeat…