Sleep, feed, change repeat…

So we have reached the famous time of trying to get into some what of a schedule which considering our lives is quote comedic. Out time of having help will be ending sooner then we would like but I guess you can’t really rely on others for ever. Today we had out first Dr checkup. After learning last night that the little guy may have a tongue tie and that he may have been dehydrated we were a bit nervous. So we spent most of last night treating Theroux like a goose about to be once some foils gras and crossed our fingers that all would be good.

However weird that sounds we were just trying to play catch up. It worked though. His weight, bilirubin, glucose, and all of that checked out. We did find out he has a slight tongue tie so we are debating what to do about that. Kalleen also had an appointment to check out her vitals considering none of the blood in her is her actual blood. They are calling her superwoman at the hospital for the quickness and ability to recover as fast as she has.

So new and crazy habits are settling in and we cant wait to see what new curveballs are next.


Christmas Gift


You can never go home again.