The show is never perfect. It’s just done.

First off, we finally had a baby and can’t wait to introduce Theroux Steele Yeary to all of you. He arrived on December 19 at 2:18 am weighing in at 9 lbs even and 20ish inches long. So while we are excited he’s here, it has been a pretty rough journey. Mom and baby will both ultimately be ok, but right now Theroux is in the NICU and Kalleen is in the ICU and they have set Cameron up with a room in the mother/baby unit where he can stay until both mother and baby are cleared to join him there (hopefully tomorrow for both).

Here’s a summary of our weekend:

Kalleen went in for weekly monitoring of baby last Friday morning and a slight concern with a “variability” of his heartbeat landed us up in Labor & Delivery for further monitoring…and we ended up staying to be induced at 41+3 weeks at several trusted midwives recommendations. Induction was rough…started at 1000 at 1 cm and took 31 hrs to get us to 7 cm in active labor. But the baby wouldn’t descend and by late Saturday night after stuck at 7 cm for over 6 hours, we consented to a C-section despite it being the furthest from our ideal birth plan.

The procedure went well, but Theroux had aspirated some meconium, so despite a healthy sounding cry he was whisked away by the NICU team while Kal got sewn up. Cameron went to the NICU and Kal to recovery where she had a severe hemorrhage within an hour and was back to the operating room for the entire early morning. The L&D team was incredible and finally managed to stop what amounted to 5 Liters of blood loss with multiple transfusions. Needless to say we’re still processing the scare and focusing on the next hours of healing to get reunited. Theroux’s already improved in his first 12 hours of life, off his supplemental oxygen and hopefully weaned off his IVs by tomorrow. Cameron spent most of the morning holding his hand, and Kal is waiting to get cleared to make a NICU visit this afternoon to both hold him for the first time.

So forgive the mass update, but so many of you have reached out to check in and we haven’t had the capacity to respond individually. We’ll update you all when we’re all out of the clear and heading home from the hospital (hopefully in time for Christmas 🤞with Kalleen’s parents who are taking care of our pups and waiting to meet their grandson.

Here’s a pic of our little guy…better ones to follow shortly we hope!

Theroux Yeary


What a difference a day makes.


Indecision, intervention, induction.