What a difference a day makes.

Yesterday was one of the scariest parts of my life. For those that know me well that is saying a lot since I have liked to put myself in the hospital for some kind of surgery every 3 to 5 years. However like the saying in the title everything is looking up. Kalleen Is out of the ICU and resting in what the hospital calls Mom and Baby ward. Theroux has been able to now join her there as well. They started the day in separate recovery but are now together. We still have some milestones to hit such as walking, keeping up blood sugars and making sure all parts of their bodies are working to full capacity. All signs point full steam ahead on all fronts and we should hopefully be enjoying Christmas together with the grandparents at home.

Cameron comparing noses with Theroux


You can never go home again.


The show is never perfect. It’s just done.