You can never go home again.

Thomas Wolfe stated the above quote to mean that our memory of home is never quite what we thought it was. Most of the time we use that as a sign of a yearning towards a past that cannot be reproduced. This is indeed true in our life now. However there is also the amazing brightness that is our family turning from two to three. We all 3 are heading back to our house today. Kalleen and her super human healing abilities and Theroux’s ability to recover so quick has surprised just about everyone in the hospital. All in a 72 hour period we have seen the fragility of life and what seems like it what should be basic human nature go sideways and horribly wrong. Then it took an abrupt 180 and defy odds in recovery. This journey is just beginning but for sure it has been a huge first hill in the roller coaster of life.

Theroux as surprised as the doctors are!


Sleep, feed, change repeat…


What a difference a day makes.