Here we go again

SO my mother is here to visit and it for sure is a great help. I have been able to focus more on work which is good because I have a huge project that I am working on. This is also the first time that she has ever been to Europe. So it is sad as well that I am so busy as we cannot really go and look at much. She also brought some lovely pictures of me when I was young. It is quite amazing to see how much Theroux and I look alike when we were younger. As his personality develops and you get to see things that are like me or like Kalleen it is a funny feeling. You get excited and worried all at the same time of how much this person is going to be like you. You hope that they can take all the good

Cameron is on the left. Theroux on the right.

Cameron at 4 weeks old

Theroux at 8 weeks


You’re never fully dressed without…


Stop and Start. Rinse and Repeat.