Stop and Start. Rinse and Repeat.

So I have started and stopped blogs many times. I have done the same for vlogs, diaries, daily reflections, basically anything that requires a daily commitment I have probably not been constant with it. Things come up. Time disappears. Well now all that is worse.

We are doing what is called triple feeding. Since my wife nearly died post birth her milk has not really come in. There is something there. Just not near enough to produce 3 ounces every 3 hours or so. It is more like an ounce or two a day. What is triple feeding you ask. Well this is where it gets fun. At 6 am we wake for 30 min of breast feeding, then my wife pumps for 20 min, then we do a bottle which takes about 20 min. This adds up to of course in a perfect world 70 min. However a child never really does what you want him to . Sometimes the first part takes an hour. sometimes the last part takes 40 min. So best case scenario its 90 min. Then we have to start all over again. So i have this stop start thing happening all the time. Which I understand why but its amazing how fast time can go and how much rinse and repeat you can get caught in not realizing that the entire day has passed you by.


Here we go again


Where does the time go???